Recession And Election. 

  First we got the double whammy;
then the triple slammy whammy,
then a sort of shimmy whammy -
a sly and stealthy, cheap and cheerful
sort of foxtrot shilly-shally;
an upwards, downwards, forwards, backwards,
will you won't you will you won't you
will you join the dance?

  In hora dance accelerando,
fools play FooTSie with the index:
sterling fellows madly gambling;
see those dead-cat-bounce guys go!

  Those dervish digits, binary coded,
shuffling through the market two-step
in the treasury computers;
watch those wild statistics grow!

  Then the pollsters agitate this
budget-busting banknote breakdance,
trying to set the grand enactment
for us, the extras in this show.

  I'll use my vote for those who die
for votes, to help them keep the faith.
But why we do it, why they want it:
do we really think we know?